WELCOME TO PARADISE III: Anka Dabrowska solo exhibition at Fundacja Sztuczna, 2013, Warsaw, Poland. Drawings, sculptures, installation, collage, graffiti.
“Welcome to Paradise”, neon, Fundacja Sztuczna collection. Warsaw, Poland.
Installation view 1, mixed medium, sculpture, found wood, spray paint.
Installation view 2, mixed medium, sculptures, drawings, found objects, spray paint.
Installation view 3, mixed medium, sculptures, found wood, spray paint.
Drawing installation detail, drawings on paper, drawings on paper bags, collage.
Installation detail, spray paint on wood.
Installation detail, concrete, spray paint and found wood.
“No Romance Around Here”, spray paint.
“Just a Bit Broken”, spray paint, wood, ink drawing on paper.
“Warszawa Wita”, installation detail, concrete and spray paint. Private collection.